
By definition, fertilizers are special substances of various natures that can improve soil quality, accelerate growth, and increase the productivity of cultivated plants. The main types of fertilizers include:

– Mineral fertilizers (inorganic). They are used to feed plants with certain substances. Also, there are so-called complex mineral fertilizers that contain several components and are very easy to use. Mineral fertilizers are presented in the following forms: liquid mineral fertilizers (including liquid complex fertilizers) and dry.
– Organic. These fertilizers include those that are formed in the process of human and animal life. First of all, it is humus. This group of fertilizers comes in several forms: liquid organic fertilizers and dry fertilizers.
– Mineral and organic. These are fertilizers that are formed during the life of bacteria and microorganisms.

The composition of different mineral dressings is significantly different:

– by the set of components – there are mono mineral fertilizers and complex preparations;
– according to the proportions of certain components;
– according to the formula of substances, of which the main elements are part.

What mineral fertilizer to buy in a particular case depends on the composition and structure of the soil, the crops you plan to fertilize, and previous harvests.